
系统为 Redhat 7.4

数据库为 v10.5fp10




## 1. 备份还原相关参数查看


db2 get db cfg  |grep -i newlogpat
db2 update db cfg for testdb using NEWLOGPATH /newpath


db2 get db cfg  |grep -i mirror
db2 update db cfg for testdb using MIRRORLOGPATH /newpath 



db2 get db cfg for testdb |grep -i logarchmeth1


db2 list history archive log all for testdb


db2 get db cfg for testdb |grep -i first


db2 update db cfg for testdb using logsecond 20
db2 update db cfg for testdb using logprimary 20
db2 update db cfg for testdb using logfilsiz 20

##  2. 备份数据库

### 2.1 离线备份

db2 backup db testdb to '/db2data/backup'

### 2.2 在线备份

db2 backup db testdb online to '/db2data/backup' include logs

### 2.3 在线表空间备份

backup db testdb tablespace (TB1,TB2) online to  '/db2data/backup'
backup db testdb tablespace (TB1,TB2) online to  '/db2data/backup' include logs

### 2.4 增量备份

db2 get db cfg for testdb |grep -i trackmod

db2 update db cfg for testdb using trackmod ON

db2 backup db testdb online incremental  累积备份

db2 backup db testdb online incremental delta 迭代备份

### 2.5 检查备份是否正常

db2ckbkp -h xxx

### 2.6 监控备份状态

db2 list utilities show detail

## 3. 还原

### 3.1 还原前检查



db2set DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF=1000


 db2 alter bufferpool bp4k size 200000


db2stop force



db2 list applications
db2 connect to ebank
db2 unquiesce db
db2 connect reset
db2 force application all
db2 terminate



### 3.2 删除库

drop database testdb

###  3.3 还原库


db2 restore db sample from  /data1  taken at 2020023051525 logtarget /data1/logs


db2 restore db sample incremental automatic taken at 2020023051525 logtarget /data1/logs 最后一次备份时间


db2 "restore db sample tablespace (TBS1) online  from   /data1  taken at 2020023051525



db2 restore db sample logs from  /data1 logtarget /data1/logs


db2 restore db sample from /backup taken at <timestamp> redirect generate script redirect.ddl

db2 -tvf redirect.ddl


db2 restore database testdb abort

## 4.前滚恢复

db2 "rollforward db testdb  to end of logs and stop overflow log path (/data1/logs)"

db2 rollforward db testdb  to 2011-01-20- using local time  overflow log path (/data1/logs)"

db2 "rollforward db testdb to end of backup and stop"

## 5. 查看还原进度

db2 list utilities show detail

db2pd -utilities